
Showing posts from March, 2012

Grails 2.3.1 returns 404 after changing controller -

Grails 2.3.1 returns 404 after changing controller - after alter in controller, actions start returns 404. true actions in modified controller. way solve perform: grails clean and launch app 1 time again by: grails run-app . 1 time done, again. needless not desired situation. any ideas ? thank in advance eduardo. upgrade? there have been 11 patch releases since 2.3.0, , upgrading within minor version (2.3.x) typically simple - update , plugins listed working particular version of grails (e.g. tomcat, hibernate). even improve - create new empty 2.3.11 app , new empty 2.3.1 app. directory diff (ignoring target ) - great alternative since it's open source , cross-platform - , tell changed between versions. create changes necessary update 2.3.1 app 2.3.11 , should go. alternately diff app empty 2.3.1 app, tell deleted, changed, , added, , can create same changes in empty 2.3.11 app , create real app. in ei

c++ - operator + on Lambda -

c++ - operator + on Lambda - can help me pointing out why not work in vs2013? auto p = +[]() -> void { std::cout << "hello, world!\n"; }; p(); source_file.cpp(7) : error c2593: 'operator +' ambiguous 'built-in c++ operator+(void (__cdecl *)(void))' or 'built-in c++ operator+(void (__stdcall *)(void))' or 'built-in c++ operator+(void (__fastcall *)(void))' or 'built-in c++ operator+(void (__vectorcall *)(void))' this legal operator force-cast lambda 5.1.2 lambda expressions [expr.prim.lambda] 6 closure type lambda-expression no lambda-capture has public non-virtual non-explicit const conversion function pointer function having same parameter , homecoming types closure type’s function phone call operator. value returned conversion function shall address of function that, when invoked, has same effect invoking closure type’s function phone call operator. how can tell co

jsp - Render html input based on request attributes -

jsp - Render html input based on request attributes - so have form submits info server. after submit attributes filled in on request. i'd render or not render elements on page based on attributes. basically i'd want this. <% string productname = ""; if( request.getparameter("productname") != null ){ productname = (string) request.getparameter("productname"); } %> <input type="text" id="product" name="product" readonly="readonly" value="<%= productname %>" rendered="#{<%= productname %> not empty}"/> is achievable? i not know, did understand question, if am, think answered :) just set input text element condition, if productname not null, show it, otherwise not. if not right reply questuion, please more specific. html jsp scriptlet

sql - TSQL update date with today from datetimeoffset column -

sql - TSQL update date with today from datetimeoffset column - i have table 3 columns: id (int, pk) time (datetimeoffset) storedvalue (int) i need update date in time column today, each row according timezone stored in datetimeoffset (but dont alter time or timezone info). illustration if stored value is: 2014-10-08 08:25:46.0000000 +04:00 , today timezone is: 2014-10-20, should become:2014-10-20 08:25:46.0000000 +04:00 if today still 2014-10-19 timezone, should set to: 2014-10-19 08:25:46.0000000 +04:00. how can in tsql? update: perchance messy , incomplete reply not update correctly each row according timezone, based on answers below: declare @date datetimeoffset = sysdatetimeoffset() declare @date2 datetimeoffset(4) = '12-10-25 12:32:10.1237 +01:0' convert(datetimeoffset, datetimeoffsetfromparts(datepart(yyyy, @date), datepart(mm, @date), datepart(dd, @date), datepart(hh, @date2), datepart(mi, @date2), datepart(ss, @date2), datepart( millisecond, @date2), c

google apps script - Condensing similar and repeating code -

google apps script - Condensing similar and repeating code - i amateur coder have searched solution , didn't come anything. i working in google sheets , trying add together values on same row in 2 different columns together. have tried arrays couldn't first array add together first element in array b created code bellow, works ok seems far wasteful (i have 21 rows add together together). would able @ to the lowest degree guide me right place slim down? class="lang-js prettyprint-override"> var bd1 = data.getrange("k3"); var bn1 = data.getrange("h3").getvalue(); var bo1 = data.getrange("k3").getvalue(); var bs1 = bn1+bo1; bd1.setvalue(bs1); var bd2 = data.getrange("k4"); var bn2 = data.getrange("h4").getvalue(); var bo2 = data.getrange("k4").getvalue(); var bs2 = bn2+bo2; bd2.setvalue(bs2); ... here's 1 way go it: var add2cells = function(labela, labelb) { var

Google App Engine Java not receiving email -

Google App Engine Java not receiving email - i followed tutorial on here: so did following: declared inbound-services set handler servlet (with auth constraint) checked works locally: http://localhost:8888/_ah/admin/inboundmail but when deploy, can't send email host. why this? note: i'm deploying on separate version ( myname-dot-appengineproject ), of emails have been: shouldn't matter, right? (do have deploy default vrsion?) i have billing enabled. (is there settings have turn on? can't find settings indicate if email sent on or not.) oh wow retarded. services declaration in appengine-web.xml , not web.xml <inbound-services> <service>mail</service> </inbound-services> definitely mis-read that. the other reason confused because reason, logs didn't appear when processing mail service reque

ios - CALayer custom drawing glitch -

ios - CALayer custom drawing glitch - i'm working on glow effect calayer. i've created uiview category. , custom drawing gives me unusual animation: please, check full code. update: i've added code, think crucial. - (void)setglowhidden:(bool)glowhidden { self.layer.maskstobounds = glowhidden; self.clipstobounds = glowhidden; if (self.glowlayer == nil) { self.glowlayer = [glowlayer layer]; self.glowlayer.frame = self.layer.bounds; self.glowlayer.parentview = self; self.glowlayer.maskstobounds = no; self.glowlayer.contentsgravity = kcagravitycenter; [self.layer addsublayer:self.glowlayer]; } //... [self.glowlayer setneedsdisplay]; [self.glowlayer performselector:@selector(setneedsdisplay) withobject:nil afterdelay:0.0]; } //... - (void)drawincontext:(cgcontextref)ctx { cgfloat delta = max(self.glowsize, self.innerglowsize); cgrect drawingrect = cgrectmake(-delta, -delta, cgrectgetwidth(self.parentview.frame) + 2 * de

How to sign Windows Store App? -

How to sign Windows Store App? - i completed windows 8.1 app , want set in store. first app publishing in store want know how can sign app using self sign certificate. referred various msdn articles points signing certificate apps going sideloaded. currently utilize test certificate can generated app manifest file packaging tab. thanks in advance. you don't need - store-submitted apps signed store itself. windows windows-store-apps windows-8.1 windows-store

javascript - How to correctly wrap a one time jquery call inside an AngularJS directive? -

javascript - How to correctly wrap a one time jquery call inside an AngularJS directive? - i have simple directive transforms <a caracteristic="caracteristics.strength"></a> into more elaborated tag right values : template.html <a ng-href="regles#{{ | lowercase }}" class="ui mini {{ caracteristic.color }} label" data-title="{{ }}" data-content="{{ caracteristic.description }}">{{ | uppercase}}</a> here directive : 'use strict'; angular.module('myapp') .directive('caracteristic', function() { homecoming { templateurl: 'components/caracteristic/caracteristic.html', restrict: 'ea', scope: { caracteristic: '=' }, replace: true, link: function() { $('.mini.label').popu

PDF could not be generated!” with wkhtmltopdf in rails -

PDF could not be generated!” with wkhtmltopdf in rails - i using wkhtmltopdf(0.10.0 rc2) , wicked_pdf(0.9.4) generating pdf report. i getting below error failed execute: "/usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf" -q --footer-left "[page]" --footer-right "powered amp" --footer-font-size 7 --margin-top 5 --margin-bottom 10 --margin-left 10 --margin-right 10 --page-size "a4" "file:////tmp/["wicked_pdf", ".html"]29083-0" "/tmp/["wicked_pdf_generated_file", ".pdf"]29083-0" error: pdf not generated! my controller: render :pdf => "#{@note_name}",:layout => '/layouts/pdf_template.html.erb', :template=>'/leasing_activity/lease_act_pdf.html.erb' gemfile: gem "wicked_pdf","0.9.4" gem "wkhtmltopdf-binary" initializers/wicked_pdf.rb: wickedpdf.config = { :exe_path => '/usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf' } ruby-on-

ruby on rails - FactoryGirl clean up code -

ruby on rails - FactoryGirl clean up code - here's ride factory: factorygirl.define mill :ride departure_address "#{faker::address.street_address}, #{} #{}" end end how clean ugly code? "#{faker::address.street_address}, #{} #{}" i'd create fake_full_address method within test/helpers , phone call factory. how it? under /lib can set helper module: module myhelper def self.full_address "#{faker::address.street_address}, #{} #{}" end end the in mill can including helper: require 'my_helper.rb' factorygirl.define mill :ride departure_address myhelper.full_address end end i did on project , works well, can check these options too... how include module in factory_girl factory? ruby-on-rails factory-

Trying to integrate R with my Java application using JRI, but I'm getting error. Can anyone explain the cause and solution? -

Trying to integrate R with my Java application using JRI, but I'm getting error. Can anyone explain the cause and solution? - i need integrate java r run math commands , create plots using features of r. next part of code giving error. public static void main(string[] args){ hellorworld r = new hellorworld(); r.hellorworld(); } public void hellorworld() { // using rengine connect r rengine.eval(string.format("greeting <- '%s'", "hello r world")); rexp result = rengine.eval("greeting"); system.out.println("greeting r: "+ result.asstring()); } that's error i'm getting , have no thought it. related jframes? fatal error has been detected java runtime environment: exception_access_violation (0xc0000005) @ pc=0x000000006c726036, pid=5360, tid=5956 jre version: java(tm) se runtime environment (8.0_11-b12) (build 1.8.0_11-b1

javascript - Error 1 Could not find symbol '$' -

javascript - Error 1 Could not find symbol '$' - when utilize visual studio edit external javascript file , utilize javascript within page, unsurprisingly unaware of jquery, because web page owns hasn't loaded javascript file. //test.js: $(document).ready(function () { alert("if need code example"); }); as result, error: error 1 not find symbol '$' again, design time error, not runtime error. is there way create visual studio editor little smarter or @ to the lowest degree suppress these errors? update: i think typescript editor in complained there error, no error shown when editing rresulting javascript file. modified question: how can create typescript file editor happy? think "editor" may web essentials add together in , there may directive create ignore $, perhaps. or thinking of jslint? i''m new of this... try: jquery(document).ready(function(){ }); or maybe missing ); after

multithreading - RabbitMQ channels and threads in Java client -

multithreading - RabbitMQ channels and threads in Java client - i'd quick confirmation of suspect part of rabbitmq documentation says: callbacks consumers dispatched on thread separate thread managed connection. means consumers can safely phone call blocking methods on connection or channel, such queuedeclare, txcommit, basiccancel or basicpublish. each channel has own dispatch thread. mutual utilize case of 1 consumer per channel, means consumers not hold other consumers. if have multiple consumers per channel aware long-running consumer may hold dispatch of callbacks other consumers on channel. i have various commands (messages) coming in through single inbound queue , channel has defaultconsumer attached it. right assume there threadpool in defaultconsumer lets me run application logic straight off consumer callback method, , i'm not blocking processing of later commands? , if seems there's bottleneck, can give rmq bigger threadpool? in addition, - Ghostscript - print multiple files at once - - Ghostscript - print multiple files at once - i using ghostscrip wrapper able print pdf files, without need install ghostscript exe on users' computers nor adobe. it works good. problem need print many files , cannot stop default printer dialog popping each time when send file print. i don't mind printer dialog coming because wish user can select printer print on can't figure out how can send multiple files printing in single command. the purpose show printer dialog 1 time many files. code: rungs("-q", "-dnopause", "-dnocancel", "-dbatch", "-dsafer", "-sdevice=mswinpr2", path) rungs - wrapper function path variable filepath. the ghostscript command line can take multiple input files. should work if modify rungs take optional number of path arguments , pass them through underlying gswin32c.exe command line. i tested below command, printed 2 copies of file: gswin32c -dbatch

mysql - I cannot extend the class in java -

mysql - I cannot extend the class in java - this may 1 class. want create new class registrationvalidator extending loginvalidator . tried public class registrationvalidator extends loginvalidator { } but show error in netbeans...what soluation? public loginvalidator() throws sqlexception{ seek { connect = new dbconnect(); st = connect.statement(); } grab (sqlexception ex) { logger.getlogger(mainframe.class.getname()).log(level.severe, null, ex); } } public int validator(string mobileno,string pass){ int ret = 0; try{ string query="select * login mobileno='"+mobileno+"'"; res= st.executequery(query); while({ string dbmobileno=res.getstring("mobileno"); string dbpass=res.getstring("password"); if(mobileno.equals(dbmobileno) && pass.equals(dbpass)){ ret=1; }

c# - ListView DataBind Sorting Values -

c# - ListView DataBind Sorting Values - i want have dropdownmenu can take how want sort listview . current code : <asp:dropdownlist id="dropdownselect" runat="server" autopostback="true" onselectedindexchanged="getproducts"> <asp:listitem selected="true" value="desdate"> descending date </asp:listitem> <asp:listitem value="asdate"> ascending date </asp:listitem> <asp:listitem value="asalp"> ascending alphabetical </asp:listitem> <asp:listitem value="desalp"> decentind alphabetical </asp:listitem> </asp:dropdownlist> and have listview display data: <asp:listview id="productlist" runat="server" datakeynames="newsid" groupitemcount="1" itemtype="" selectmethod="getproducts"> <emptydata

c# - How to disable html img tag rendering from a string while parsing data from rss news -

c# - How to disable html img tag rendering from a string while parsing data from rss news - greetings of day! i need parse dynamic info using rss feeds rss url given below , disable rendering of images under description returned xml: timesofindia - rss feeds technology used: html, css, using c#. following sample description returned rss: angelica valencia of queens advised doc not work overtime shifts because of high-risk pregnancy.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><br clear='all'/><br/><br/><a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="" border="0"/></a><br/><a href="http://d

php - Extract text from HTML with a particular title -

php - Extract text from HTML <p> with a particular title - i have huge file lots of entries, have 1 thing in common, the first line. i want extract of text paragraph first line is: type of document: contract notice the html code working on here: <!-- other html --> <p> <b>type of document:</b> " contract notice" <br> <b>country</b> <br> ... rest of text ... </p> <!-- other html --> i have set html dom this: $dom = new domdocument; $dom->loadhtml($content); i need homecoming of text in paragraph node first line 'type of document: contract notice' i sure there simple way of doing using dom methods or xpath , please advise! speaking of xpath, seek next look selects <p> elements: whose <b> kid element (first one) has value type of document: whose next sibling text node (first one) contains text contract notic

http - C# to get data from a website -

http - C# to get data from a website - i info this website , set them dictionary. basically these prices , quantities financial instruments. i have source code page (here extract of whole text): <tr> <td class="quotesmaxtime1414148558" id="notation115602071"><span>4,000.00</span></td> <td><span>0</span></td> <td class="icon red"><span id="">-3.87%</span></td> <td><span id="

class - What component event should CSS classes be removed in Sencha ExtJS framework? (annoying red line) -

class - What component event should CSS classes be removed in Sencha ExtJS framework? (annoying red line) - this annoying reddish line shows randomly when resizing component using it's split bar (top border of component). i did figure out how remove reddish line permanently removing css class, there's grab 22. i'm having hard time removing css class in sencha extjs framework activity1 component. have styling issue backgroundcolor style attribute shows reddish line specific layout of containers within component. reddish color coming class named ".x-border-layout-ct". since backgroundcolor of these 3 components '#f1f1f1' (white-ish), , since these 3 components on top of activity1, should cover activity1 backgroundcolor. in fact, when resize activity1 panel (in viewport) sizes. i able right issue removing class "this.removecls('.x-border-layout-ct')", if apply "this.callparent(arguments)", doesn't work.

php - ffmpeg generated videos crashes on iOS -

php - ffmpeg generated videos crashes on iOS - i have php based web page users can upload images , later turned mp4 video using ffmpeg. web server videos generated, hosted on centos. process this: 1) convert each image few seconds long mp4 video ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -i step1.jpg -c:v libx264 -vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" -t 5 -pix_fmt yuv420p step1.mp4 2) convert each video mpg merging ffmpeg -y -i step1.mp4 -c re-create -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts step1.mpg (these 2 steps repeated each image uploaded) 3)finally - merge steps create 1 mp4 video ffmpeg -y -i "concat:step1.mpg|step2.mpg|step3.mpg" -c re-create video.mp4 the video works on windows computers, when player on apple ios, crashes after first merge. either video player displays error, or video not played correctly. perchance issue? thanks. php ios ffmpeg

java - In-App Billing V3 - Purchase an Object that expires after 3 months - Android -

java - In-App Billing V3 - Purchase an Object that expires after 3 months - Android - i must implement in android app purchase of item expires after 3 months. i read on developer guide should utilize "unmanaged" products, read in v3 version of api object handle managed product. the question following, after users purchase unmanaged object how can manage expiration? illustration when period expire, user can purchase time same product if want? are using online database app? if true, think best way generating end date when item purchased , saving in online database. have check if end date not past regularly in app (for illustration every time user start app,...). this works me, in case app connects regularly online database work. other methods, save end date in local storage can easy hacked. java android in-app-purchase in-app-billing

python - Recursively scrape website using scrapy -

python - Recursively scrape website using scrapy - i need recursively crawl through website. have right now: class demospider(crawlspider): name = 'sample_recursive' allowed_domains = [''] start_urls = [ "" ] rules = [rule(sgmllinkextractor(allow=(r'/.org/site/id/[\w*\w*]*'), deny=(r'.org/subscription')), callback='parse_start_url', follow=true)] def parse_start_url(self, response): items = [] item = demosampleitem() item["source_url"] = response.url item["title"] = response.xpath('//div[@class="content-title"]/h2/text()')[0].extract() item["breadcrumb"] = response.xpath("//ul[@class='breadcrumbs']")[0].extract() item["content"] = response.xpath("//div[@class='main_col']")[0].extract() item["right_col"] = r

computer vision - how to automatically detect SURF feature of ROI of image(frame) in MATLAB? -

computer vision - how to automatically detect SURF feature of ROI of image(frame) in MATLAB? - i want compare frames of video observe obstacle in path.for work, utilize detectsurffeature observe feature of each frame must extract feature of part of involvement (roi) of image obstacle detection. using matlab 2013a. code exists in matlab 2014b. size of frame 1200 x 900 , roi x=200 y=400 width=200 length=300 question: how automatically observe surf feature of roi of image(frame) in matlab? simply crop image , utilize surf detector on cropped image. :-) in case need help cropping, i_cropped=i_original(200:400,400:700,:); now, utilize surf detector on i_cropped. matlab computer-vision surf matlab-cvst

ios - argument unused during compilation: '-dependency_info' -

ios - argument unused during compilation: '-dependency_info' - good day, i next errors: ld /users/wilbe1/library/developer/xcode/deriveddata/geodata_grapher-blnjuxtseitfkfdfkgjpgzskbtwx/build/products/debug-iphonesimulator/geodata\\ grapher normal x86_64 cd "/users/wilbe1/documents/apps/geodata grapher" export iphoneos_deployment_target=8.0 export path="/applications/" /applications/ -arch x86_64 -isysroot /applications/ -l/users/wilbe1/library/developer/xcode/deriveddata/geodata_grapher-blnjuxtseitfkfdfkgjpgzskbtwx/build/products/debug-iphonesimulator -l/users/wilbe1/documents

javascript - Js:Calling a function on click -

javascript - Js:Calling a function on click - i utilize maplace.js, google maps javascript plugin jquery. in plugin has function display marker on map. //triggers show location in map maplace.prototype.viewonmap = function (index) { //view if (index === this.view_all_key) { this.o.beforeviewall(); this.current_index = index; if (this.o.locations.length > 0 && this.o.generate_controls && this.current_control && this.current_control.activatecurrent) { this.current_control.activatecurrent.apply(this, [index]); } this.omap.fitbounds(this.obounds); this.closeinfowindow(); this.o.afterviewall(); //specific location } else { index = parseint(index, 10); if (typeof (index - 0) === 'number' && index > 0 && index <= this.ln) { seek { go

ios - NSObject +(BOOL)isSubclassOfClass: method returning wrong result -

ios - NSObject +(BOOL)isSubclassOfClass: method returning wrong result - i have 3 classes: classa, classb , classc. classc inherits classb inherits classa. i'm trying write unit test verify classc inherits classb: xctasserttrue([classc issubclassofclass:[classb class]]); this returns false. xctasserttrue([classc issubclassofclass:[classa class]]); returns true. [classc class] superclass] returns classb. note when test [classc issubclassofclass:[classb class]] in console returns true, when test before code in unit test returns false same test! can explain how happen? i tried bryan's suggestion comments. logging unit test get: 0x102a8c4e0 0x110d21820 logging console get: 0x102a8c4e0 0x102a8c4e0 it's have of classes added both app target , unit test target. your class should ever added app target. from edit, looks it's classb that's @ fault - it's worth checking 3 of them. sentest/xctest utilize test

c# - List in arguments for custom workflows? -

c# - List<> in arguments for custom workflows? - i'm trying have next custom workflow retrieve contacts based on next criterias. [input("retrieve customers renewal date lesser or equal today + x days")] public inargument<int> days { get; set; } [input("for service?")] public inargument<string> service { get; set; } and i'd want homecoming following: [output("customers renewal")] public outargument<list<contact>> customers{ get; set; } my thought workflow step loop through workflow returns ( customers ). but when i'm registering assembly, step above fails register due to: the type outargument`1 of property customers not supported what type of arguments supported ? msdn did not tell me much , concept of returning list faulty or can workflow process 1 record @ time ? thanks. custom workflow activities can utilize outargument set of types, , there isn't type (like entitycol

.htaccess - unable to get $_REQUEST value in php -

.htaccess - unable to get $_REQUEST value in php - i'm trying create restful api problem i'm unable $_request value. same code work fine on localhost not on server. happen due htaccess code. when api phone call url processapi function called , find out function of api called url for illustration now i'm trying phone call test function in api class htaccess code redirect url the first function within api class processapi check wether test function exist or not but within processapi function $_request value null this happen on server on localhost work fine this htaccess code <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c> rewriteengine on rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d rewritecond %{request_filename} !-s rewriterule ^(.*)$ file.php?request=$1 [qsa,nc,l] rewritecond %{request_filename} -d rewriterule ^(.*)$ file.php [qsa,nc,l] rewritecond %{request_filename} -s rewriterule ^(.*)$ f

python - sqlite table entry has an error -

python - sqlite table entry has an error - i trying create database using python programme , sqlite3 , there sems error. in [2]: run create table measinfoheader_0 (id0 varchar(100), id1 varchar(100), id2 varchar(100), id3 varchar(100), id4 varchar(100), id5 varchar(100), id6 varchar(100), id7 varchar(100), id8 varchar(100)); insert measinfoheader_0 values ("start time","station","part","operator","elapsed","product","head stack s/n","disk pack s/n","device id"); create table measinfodata_0 (id0 varchar(100), id1 varchar(100), id2 varchar(100), id3 varchar(100), id4 varchar(100), id5 varchar(100), id6 varchar(100), id7 varchar(100), id8 varchar(100)); insert measinfodata_0 values ("11/5/2014 3:31:04 pm","#14","part id","operator id","00:05:28","ssm_rembrandt sae_e11030001","check-in-a wf256 sae re0-0

c# - Making a proxy/service class more generic -

c# - Making a proxy/service class more generic - i have 4 classes have modify each time want create phone call database, , process getting ridiculous. i'm wondering if there's easy way simplify process. i have calling class such that: public responseobjecta getclients() { requestobjecta req = new requestobjecta(); responseobjecta res = proxyclass.getclients(request); } public responseobjectb getvendors() { requestobjectb req = new requestobjectb(); responseobjectb res = proxyclass.getvendors(request); } then in proxyclass: public static responseobjecta getclients(requestobjecta request) [ responseobjecta res = new responseobjecta(); res = serviceclass.getclients(request); } public static responseobjectb getvendors(requestobjectb request) [ responseobjectb res = new responseobjectb(); res = serviceclass.getvendors(request); } then in serviceclass: public responseobjecta getclients(requestobjecta request) [ respons

css - Styling polymer core-scaffold -

css - Styling polymer core-scaffold - by default background-color of side nav in core-scaffold white , background-color of content close grey. want reverse these styles, background-color of side nav gray , content white. added next rules , want on chrome: core-scaffold::shadow core-drawer-panel>div[vertical] { background-color: grey; } core-scaffold::shadow core-drawer-panel core-header-panel { background-color: white; } but doesn't work on firefox. i've read need utilize polyfill-next-selector can't understand how works. tried prepend polyfill-next-selector {content: '::shadow'} styles didn't help. the problem selector #1 here there's element between core-drawer-panel , div. it's hidden in core-drawer-panel 's shadow dom: core-scaffold (shadow root) core-drawer-panel (shadow root) core-selector div[drawer] so native shadow dom core-drawer-panel > div selects it. non-shado

android - ConnectivityManager ClassCastException with Google Analytics v4 and ProGuard -

android - ConnectivityManager ClassCastException with Google Analytics v4 and ProGuard - i'm having troubles compiling app uses proguard , google analytics v4. single other thread seems similar here, except there aren't many details. i've tried next no avail: doing keep** { *; } doing -keep** { *; } package. error continues crop every other bit of obfuscated code, if joining newly obfuscated code pre-obfuscated google analytics code causes errors. using -keepattributes signature in case there's issue generics. using obfuscated dictionary of four-letter words (such rnqp, sslq) in case android dexing causes pre-obfuscated google analytics classes conflict obfuscated project files. here exception: 11-08 22:45:01.644 2206-2226/com.example.helloworld e/gav3﹕ thread[gathread,5,main]: error on gathread: java.lang.classcastexception: cannot cast @

Do I need to seed manually when using Random in java? -

Do I need to seed manually when using Random in java? - in java: i'm aware of random.setseed(long seed); does. know seed , how changes each use. need alter seed manually ensure sequence not repeat after time or automatically manipulates seeds using variable (such scheme clock)? running same programme 1 time again not produce same results unless specify seed must manipulating seed in constructor changing seed periodically(i'm not talking changing of seed each use)? clarification: seed changes every usage @ point seed becomes number when random constructed. do need phone call random.setseed(system.currenttimeinmillis()) ; 1 time in while ensure sequence not repeat after use? it depends want. if want "random" repeatable, have fixed seeds. otherwise there's little reason prepare or alter seeds. reasons seeds include: testing. specific pattern of randoms comes same each time. evaluation. different test cases same sequence of values ,

mysql - mariadb 10 uncompress() return blob instead of string -

mysql - mariadb 10 uncompress() return blob instead of string - according mysql , mariadb docs uncompress() returns string if input string compressed using compress(). also stated in examples: select uncompress(compress('a string')); +----------------------------------+ | uncompress(compress('a string')) | +----------------------------------+ | string | +----------------------------------+ however on mysql workbench , navicat blob result. using select convert(uncompress(compress('a string')) using utf8); returns original string. wrong? docs wrong or misinterpreting here? the result type of uncompress() has been long_blob since @ to the lowest degree mysql 5.1, before varbinary . background compress() compresses string contents not preserve meta info character set or collation. uncompress() returning uncompressed info binary info stream safe option. converting returned binary info specific charact

How to choose between WinJS Cordova TypeScript -

How to choose between WinJS Cordova TypeScript - i developer, c#, vb, winforms... these kind of things... i want start developing application should run on surface pro , windows phone 8.1 if run on ios , android.. great ! i had problems xaml , pretty javascript. so, thinking write windows 8.1 app javascript heard winjs , cordova , typescript. the application pretty simple now, 2 options: first 1 read barcode, search resulting value in db using web service , using 1 insert new record within db. sec 1 web view, similar thought of iframe url of current web site not developped me. i need access photographic camera , barcode library. heard cordova can , enables me test , build ios , android can winjs don't understand how 2 different , how work togheter. last, can utilize typescript write application uses cordova , winjs ? if know web sites or hints give me help on questions : comparisons between cordova , winjs sample of project mine o

java - How can I free memory held by an XSSFWorkbook? -

java - How can I free memory held by an XSSFWorkbook? - i have written java code takes info 3 spreadsheets , generates big spreadsheet ( 10 columns, 26,950 rows ) on machine 4gb memory. crashing generating spreadsheet (out of memory), rewriting code read big spreadsheet in chunks of 100 lines @ time, i've managed point writing output file hits out of memory error. so i'm thinking if can free memory held 3 xssf workbooks, might give me plenty memory finish writing of output file- there doesn't appear close() instruction. i've tried setting workbooks null, i'm not convinced freed memory. does know 'proper' way close xssf workbook , reclaim memory takes up? i'm running java 1.8.0_25. try using sxssfworkbook instead of xssfworkbook. designed flush rows disk instead of holding them in memory. java excel xssf

Sending an Email from Java using APIs, not with localhost -

Sending an Email from Java using APIs, not with localhost - i'm using code , apis found here: when run code, error output thus: com.sun.mail.util.mailconnectexception: couldn't connect host, port: localhost, 25; timeout -1; nested exception is: connection refused @ com.sun.mail.smtp.smtptransport.openserver( @ com.sun.mail.smtp.smtptransport.protocolconnect( @ javax.mail.service.connect( @ javax.mail.service.connect( @ javax.mail.service.connect( @ javax.mail.transport.send0( @ javax.mail.transport.send( as plain see first line, primary issue "couldn't connect host, port: localhost" blah blah. alright. so, have ideas should using instead of localhost? totally not area of expertise. (the error log

objective c - How to implement Auto sliding iCarousel in iOS? -

objective c - How to implement Auto sliding iCarousel in iOS? - i have implemented basic slider using icarousel ios library dont know how create auto slider instead of manual swipe sliding. here sample project code pls help me code when searched in google got link,but didnt understand looking @ github link, assume want autoscroll item upon view. you have defined function - (void)scrolltoitematindex:(nsinteger)index animated:(bool)animated however isn't part of icarousel delegate, defined part of class, hence need phone call it. putting in viewdidappear seem appropriate if wanted auto scroll particular index when view controller presented user. add together method below. - (void)viewdidappear:(bool)animated { [super viewdidappear:animated]; // index of 3 chosen illustration nsinteger chosenindex = 3; [self.carousel scrolltoitematindex:chosenindex animated:yes]; } ios obje

Intel XDK Browser Error -

Intel XDK Browser Error - i don't know if have encountered problem before trying test application using live layout editing running , when seek click on either view in chrome window or firefox, keeps telling me browser not installed.. my intel xdk version 1332 we aware of problem. people solution found here works: -- unfortunately, not working everyone. hope have more finish solution in next important release. intel-xdk

python - Finding element by a variable -

python - Finding element by a variable - i'm trying select element dropdown list. element defined value, date. example, let's date i'm trying select today. element's value "2014/10/06" i have defined variable "oracledate" links field "2014/10/06". know defining correctly because when print(oracledate) appears 2014/10/06. however, next code not work: browser.find_element_by_xpath("//option[contains(@value, oracledate)]").click() when hardcode, works properly: browser.find_element_by_xpath("//option[contains(@value, '2014/10/04')]").click() why isn't working when seek find element using variable? use str.format : >>> oracledata = '2014/10/04' >>> "//option[contains(@value, '{}')]".format(oracledata) "//option[contains(@value, '2014/10/04')]" or % operator: >>> "//option[contains(@value, '%s

html - how do 100% -100px with css and jquery -

html - how do 100% -100px with css and jquery - i'm using same code in css , jquery: width: 100% -100px; so, utilize code: $(document).ready(function(){ $('.left').css('width', '100%').css('width', '-=100px'); }); but not work when browser resized after loading site will. want working similar code: .left { width: 80%; //100% -100px; } .right { width: 20%; //100px; } solution using css2: html <div class="container"> <div class="left"></div> <div class="right"></div> </div> css .left { position: absolute; left: 0px; right: 100px; background-color: green; } .right { width: 100px; background-color: red; float: right; } .left, .right { height: 50px; } .container{ position: relative; } working fiddle in above fiddle, applied position: absolute .left container. makes container not s