tfs2010 - TFS Removing Values From Custom Fields -

tfs2010 - TFS Removing Values From Custom Fields -

in our implementation of tfs 2010 have added various custom fields alter requests, , of these drop downwards lists of items.

as time has went on of these items no longer valid, potentially assigned alter requests past , present. should remove items these drop downwards lists scenario when opening tfs alter requests via visual studio / web interface? need update mandatory field new value, or start throwing horrible index out of range exceptions?

ideally test in development instance of tfs, don't have access one, , such i'd nervous 'having go' see happens.

got reply myself doing it. created brand new field in tfs new field reference, new field displayed items in drop downwards list 1 time imported.

i saved tfs alter request having selected 1 of these values, went xml file exported create initial changes, remove selected item, imported updated wit, , 1 time refreshed updated list.

the selected item still selected value, box highlighted yellowish , next message displayed @ top:

the field 'myfieldname' contains value not in list of supported values.



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