javascript - What is the purpose of classnames in angle brackets in definitions? -
javascript - What is the purpose of classnames in angle brackets in definitions? -
in question here on stack overflow (this one) have seen piece of code:
ext.define("app.view.leaders.myviewname", { extend: 'app.view.basepopup', xtype: 'myviewname', config: <ext.form.ipanel>{ scrollable: 'vertical', items: [ { xtype: 'fieldset', title: 'add new auto asset', instructions: '<hr class="separate" />', items: [ <>{ xtype: 'selectfield', label: 'borrower position', store: 'borrowerpositionselectorstore', }, <>{ xtype: 'selectfield', label: 'asset type', store: 'assettypeselectorstore', }, { xtype: 'textfield', name: '', label: 'description' }, { xtype: 'numberfield', name: '', label: 'value' } ] } ] } });
what purpose of <ext.form.ipanel>
, <>
tags before components definitions? can point me documentation on that?
it's typescript build generics, see:
to indicate type of object literal, use:
var square = <square>{};
javascript extjs sencha-touch sencha-touch-2 typescript
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