Flask-SQLAlchemy + create_all() failed on many-to-many relationship creation -
Flask-SQLAlchemy + create_all() failed on many-to-many relationship creation - i have next application structure: run.py |->app |->models |-> user.py (declares role-to-user relationship table , user model) |-> role.py (declares role model) |-> main.py (contains initialization , required imports) |-> extensions (here sqlalchemy variable declared imported later) when trying create initial db construction next way: from app.models import * app.extensions import db app.main import myapp #app initialized packages assets, db, security, etc. myapp.test_request_context(): db.create_all() i've got exception: noreferencedtableerror: foreign key associated column 'users_to_roles.user_id' not find table 'users' generate foreign key target column 'id' i tried dow next way: @app.before_first_request def initialize_database(): db.create_all() with no success i tried move role same file user m...