osx - MATLAB script does not terminate on Mac -
osx - MATLAB script does not terminate on Mac -
i running on matlab 2014a, , command line not return.
a = 0; while (1) = + 1; if (a ~= 2) continue; end; end;
there no response when control-c or command-. (or other mutual combination of keyboard keys). how can script terminate?
instead of "continue", seek "break".
here's reasoning:
"continue" temporarily interrupts execution of programme loop, skipping remaining statements in body of loop current pass only.
so doesn't exit loop completely, skips remaining code in loop , re-evaluates status of while loop, in case is true.
in contrast, break exits loop completely.
another way go rewrite loop statement, example:
a = 0; while a~=2 = + 1; end
not sure why wouldn't cease running ctrl-c though. expect script has run such long time machine might getting progressively less responsive. hinted article: http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_env/stop-execution.html
osx matlab terminate
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