algorithm - OpenCL Cholesky Decomposition -
algorithm - OpenCL Cholesky Decomposition -
i implemented next cholesky decomposition algorithm using opencl. code exhibiting random behavior. matches cpu output times. can please help me figure out wrong implementation.
here algorithm:
procedure cholesky(a) int i, j, k; k := 0 n − 1 /* 1st loop */ /* obtain square root of diagonal element. */ a[k, k] := a[k, k]; j := k + 1 n − 1 /* 2nd loop */ /* partition step. */ a[k, j] := a[k, j]/a[k, k]; end := k + 1 n − 1 /* 3rd loop */ j := n − 1 /* 4th loop */ /* elimination step. */ a[i, j] := a[i, j] - a[k, i] × a[k, j]; end end end
methodology parallelize above algorithm:
from algorithm, elimination step expensive. have outermost loop in host code, , phone call kernel within loop. single run of kernel corresponds single iteration of 3rd loop. therefore, launch (n-1 )- (k+1) + 1 work groups. number of work items within workgroup set n/2. 2nd loop computed within kernel, allow first workgroup it.
relevant host code
// 10 x 10 matrix, matrix_size = 10 localworksize[0] = matrix_size/2; stride = matrix_size/2; cl_event event; for(k = 0; k < matrix_size; k++) { int isize = (matrix_size-1) - (k+1) + 1; int num_blocks = isize; if(num_blocks <= 0) num_blocks = 1; globalworksize[0] = num_blocks * wa/2; errcode = clsetkernelarg(clkernel, 0, sizeof(int), (void *)&k); errcode |= clsetkernelarg(clkernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&d_a); errcode |= clsetkernelarg(clkernel, 2, sizeof(int), (void *)&stride); errcode = clenqueuendrangekernel(clcommandqueue, clkernel, 1, null, globalworksize, localworksize, 0, null, &event); opencl_checkerror(errcode, "clenqueuendrangekernel"); clfinish(clcommandqueue); }
kernel code
__kernel void batchedcholesky(__global float *u, int k, int stride) { int tx = get_global_id(0); unsigned int j; unsigned int num_rows = matrix_size; if(tx==0) { // take square root of diagonal element u[k * num_rows + k] = sqrt(u[k * num_rows + k]); } barrier(clk_global_mem_fence); int offset = (k+1); //from original loop int jstart = get_local_id(0) + offset; int jstep = stride; int jtop = num_rows - 1; int jbottom = (k + 1); //do work iteration //division step if(get_group_id(0) == 0) { for(j = jstart; (j >= jbottom) && (j <= jtop); j+=jstep) { u[k * num_rows + j] /= u[k * num_rows + k]; // partition step } } barrier(clk_global_mem_fence); j = 0; int = get_group_id(0) + (k+1); offset = i; jstart = get_local_id(0) + offset; jbottom = i; for( j = jstart; j >= jbottom && j <= jtop; j += jstep) u[i * num_rows + j] -= u[k * num_rows + i] * u[k * num_rows + j]; barrier(clk_global_mem_fence); }
not of work items execute @ same time, may run in batches. code running prior clk_global_mem_fence
won't include every value. may source of errors.
if require global synchronization, utilize multiple kernels.
algorithm opencl blas
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