python - how to obtain string values of a list -

python - how to obtain string values of a list -

i'm beginner in pyqt , made formular. self.tname1, self.tlname1, self.tcel, self.tcel1,self.tcc1, self.temail, self.ttel qlineedit , set these variables in list. then, made loop in order evaluate each qlineedit value , fill them if empty 'null'. loop works i'm trying print values within list. example: ['null','null','3176797100','null','null','1098685161','', 'null'] doesn't work.

self.tname1 = qtgui.qlineedit(self) self.tname1.move(85,176) self.tname1.resize(199,30) self.tlname1 = qtgui.qlineedit(self) self.tlname1.move(95,210) self.tlname1.resize(190,30) def eval(self): var=[self.tname1, self.tlname1, self.tcel, self.tcel1,self.tcc1, self.temail, self.ttel] i=0 in range(len(var)): if var[i]=="": var[i]='null' else: pass print var print self.tname1.text() print self.tname1

if print self.variable.text() nil appears. on other hand, if print self.name1 appears posotion of qlineedit: <pyqt4.qtgui.qlineedit object @ 0x7fb1046cc180>. appreciate help!! :p

well, question not clear, line:

var=[self.tname1, self.tlname1, self.tcel, self.tcel1,self.tcc1, self.temail, self.ttel]

creates new list contains variables, , whatever alter in list, not impact values of original variables, have look:

>>> = "hello" >>> b = "world" >>> var = [a, b] >>> var ["hello", "world"] >>> var[0] = "hi" >>> hello >>> var ["hi", "world"] >>> = "whatsup" >>> var ["hi", "world"]

so if want alter original variable( in case self.tname1.text, self.tcel.text) have alter each 1 of them individually, think done with:

>>> if self.tname1.text()=="": .... self.tname1.settext("null")

and on.

i hope reply you.

edit: after comment, obtain text attribute object can seek this:

print [x.text() x in var]

python pyqt qlineedit


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