Crop image to square - Android -
Crop image to square - Android -
how can cutting rectangular image (600 x 300) left , right fit in square imageview ? don't want resize image, want crop it, 300 x 300.
as @blackbelt said
bitmap cropimg = bitmap.createbitmap(src, startx, starty, dstwidth, dstheight);
is great cropping images. how can automatically crop images different sizes. create simple code that:
// drawable bitmap src= bitmapfactory.decoderesource(context.getresources(), r.drawable.image); // url bitmap src = null; seek { string url = ""; inputstream in = new; src = bitmapfactory.decodestream(in); } grab (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } int width = src.getwidth(); int height = src.getheight(); int crop = (width - height) / 2; bitmap cropimg = bitmap.createbitmap(src, crop, 0, height, height); imageview.setimagebitmap(cropimg);
you can utilize
bitmap dst = bitmap.createbitmap(src, startx, starty, dstwidth, dstheight);
from documentation:
returns immutable bitmap specified subset of source bitmap. new bitmap may same object source, or re-create may have been made. initialized same density original bitmap.
here can find documentation
android android-imageview resize-crop
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