javascript - AngularJS : date-time picker (vs) zoom in graph : one or the other not working -

javascript - AngularJS : date-time picker (vs) zoom in graph : one or the other not working -

in angularjs application, trying draw graph based on user's selection of period of time (which uses date-time picker). screenshot below :

when using 1.7.1

am using bootstrap js date-time picker. issue when utilize jquery version 1.7.1, graph zoom works, date-time picker doesn't work. error in browser console :

error: failed execute 'appendchild' on 'node': new kid element null. @ error (native) @ function.f.extend.clean ( @ function.f.buildfragment ( @ f.fn.extend.dommanip ( @ f.fn.extend.append ( @ datetimepicker.filldate ( @ datetimepicker.update ( @ datetimepicker.init ( @ new datetimepicker ( @ htmldivelement.<anonymous> ( <div class="input-append ng-pristine ng-valid" startdatetime="" ng-model="var1" ng-style="{'display': 'inline-block'}"> angular1.2.1.js:84 error: failed execute 'appendchild' on 'node': new kid element null. @ error (native) @ function.f.extend.clean ( @ function.f.buildfragment ( @ f.fn.extend.dommanip ( @ f.fn.extend.append ( @ datetimepicker.filldate ( @ datetimepicker.update ( @ datetimepicker.init ( @ new datetimepicker ( @ htmldivelement.<anonymous> ( <div class="input-append ng-pristine ng-valid" enddatetime="" ng-model="var1" ng-style="{'display': 'inline-block'}">

when using 1.9.1

and, when using 1.9.1, graph zoom doesn't work, date-time picker works. , browser throws error:

uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'addclass' of undefined jquery-ui.min.js:380 a.widget._mousecapturejquery-ui.min.js:380 a.widget._mousedownjquery-ui.min.js:26 (anonymous function)jquery-ui.min.js:25 b.event.dispatchjquery.js:9593 v.handle

plunkr code

here's plunkr code. , jquery script version code referring to:

<script src=""></script>

there incompatibility issues when using angularjs jquery 1.9.1 , jquery ui 1.8.15 or below. upgrade newer version of jquery ui (in case 1.9.2+) solve problem.

javascript jquery angularjs twitter-bootstrap


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