elasticsearch - Lines splitting despite using multiline logstash filter -
elasticsearch - Lines splitting despite using multiline logstash filter -
i used multiline logstash filter.it fails @ few instances.
for illustration tried parsing study multiple blocks.i formed these blocks/paragraphs using multiline filter.
page 1 date title author data................................................................................ .................................................................................... <delimiter>
when tested using 100 blocks, every time doesn't append 1 or 2 blocks correctly. takes
page 1 date title author
as single message , parses , remaining part message. note: observation @ times, 1st part of block say
page 21 date title author
is parsed , followed by
page 20 date title author data................................................................................ .................................................................................... <delimiter>
the prev block , remaining part of incomplete block parsed. kind of multi-threading issue?
edit: config file looks this:
input{ file{ path=>"/home/tudit/input.txt" start_position=>"beginning" } } filter{ multiline{ pattern => "^\f" negate => true => "previous" enable_flush=>"true" } grok{ match=>["message","page%{space}%{number:page_no:int}"] } grok{ match=>["message","(?<date>%{monthday}%{space}%{month}%{space}%{year})"] } grok{ match=>["message","author:%{space}%{word:author}"] } grok{ match=>["message","title:%{space}%{word:title}"] } date{ match => [ "date", "dd mmm yyyy" ] } } output { stdout{ codec=>"rubydebug" } elasticsearch{ embedded=> "true" host=> "localhost" } }
\f delimiter.
elasticsearch multiline logstash
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