c# - Logarithmic Vertical and Horizontal Axes lines in MS Chart Control -

c# - Logarithmic Vertical and Horizontal Axes lines in MS Chart Control -

the image presents logarithmic graph. want create similar graph using ms chart control. know there way convert normal graph logarithmic graph not able create vertical , horizontal axes lines (light grayness in color) similar graph below.

you seek set chart's axes islogarithmic property true , set minorgrid follows:

private static void setupaxis(axis axis) { // set logarithmic scale mode: axis.islogarithmic = true; // enable minor grid lines: axis.minorgrid.enabled = true; // set color of minor grid lines: axis.minorgrid.linecolor = color.gray; // set inverval 1: axis.minorgrid.interval = 1; // enable major grid lines: axis.majorgrid.enabled = true; // if not set, major grid lines defaulted black color }


chartarea area = chart1.chartareas[0]; setupaxis(area.axisx); setupaxis(area.axisy);

c# mschart


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