mozilla firefox extension: creating a javascript library and using it in a HTML page -

mozilla firefox extension: creating a javascript library and using it in a HTML page -

i created library in firefox extension :

./components/main.js ./skin/icon.png ./install.rdf ./chrome.manifest

my main.js utilize define class calling mozilla tcpscoket (

function mylib() {} mylib.prototype.dowork = function(arg1,arg2) { /* tcpscoket */}

how should utilize library on client side in html ?

i'm looking (?):

<html><head><script> var mylib = mozillaapithing.createnewinstance("chrome://myextension/", "mylib"); .... </script>(...)

chrome or resource (not in restartless) urls available direct urls (ie can come in them address-bar , show up). hence can utilize simple script src

<script src="chrome://myextension/components/jsfile.js"></script>

alternatively, can read js file (ie xmlhttprequest or fileutils.jsm or osfile.jsm) , insert content page createelement('script'), textcontent , appendchild()

alternatively, can seek the message manager

note: inserted local script page have content page scope (no access browser scope api)

javascript firefox firefox-addon


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