"Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel" Azure Storage .NET API error since POODLE -

"Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel" Azure Storage .NET API error since POODLE -

reads work, create / delete / updates don't when using .net azure storage api library blobs , azure queue (built on storage well). running within asp.net mvc 5.2 website, .net 4.5.1, libraries updated newest versions. problem arose of yesterday (oct 14) evening, poodle exploit became known. been using api project years without problem, , deployed version working until time.

frustratingly, on dev / local machine problem doesn't appear.

there long lag until error shows, due retry attempts or something.

the request aborted: not create ssl/tls secure channel.

system.net.webexception: request aborted: not create ssl/tls secure channel. @ system.net.httpwebrequest.getrequeststream(transportcontext& context) @ system.net.httpwebrequest.getrequeststream() @ microsoft.windowsazure.storage.core.executor.executor.executesync[t](restcommand`1 cmd, iretrypolicy policy, operationcontext operationcontext) @ system.net.httpwebrequest.getrequeststream(transportcontext& context) @ system.net.httpwebrequest.getrequeststream() @ microsoft.windowsazure.storage.core.executor.executor.executesync[t](restcommand`1 cmd, iretrypolicy policy, operationcontext operationcontext)

that totality of exception.

i have excactly same problem: yesterday many companies have disabeled sslv3 on there servers client has negotiate utilize tls instead when connecting secure endpoint.

when running on dev box works before. on of production servers same exception when connecting servers (not - illustration graph.facebook.com, mandrillapp.com , others show problem).

interesting enough, restart of application solved problem abount hour. error shows again.

after googling found line

servicepointmanager.securityprotocol = securityprotocoltype.tls;

to of help. problem is, seem global setting , solves not connection problems me. facebook api working again, mandrill illustration stops working , showing exception 1 time again after few hours.

the problem seems be, .net httpwebrequest class (and webclient class) or underlying https implementation have problems negotiate communication protocol.

i have read, tls standard protocol in .net few years , sslv3 used fallback, nevertheless, exception there.

azure ssl windows-azure-storage


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