When to setImageBitmap during creation of Fragment in Android? -
When to setImageBitmap during creation of Fragment in Android? -
i need setimagebitmap during creation of fragment. cannot in oncreate
, because imageview
not initialized yet. had same problem in activity, called onwindowfocuschanged
method , worked. there no such method in fragment. how should solve this? tried
@override public void onactivitycreated(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.onactivitycreated(savedinstancestate); string imgpath = day.getphotopath(); if (imgpath != null) { dayphoto.setimagebitmap(photoutils.decodesampledbitmapfromfile(dayphoto, imgpath)); } }
but gives no results. fragment blank
@override public view oncreateview(layoutinflater inflater, viewgroup container, bundle savedinstancestate) { view rootview = inflater.inflate(r.layout.fragment_day, container, false); sethasoptionsmenu(true); dayphoto = (imageview) rootview.findviewbyid(r.id.dayimage); homecoming rootview; }
so needed utilize globallayout create work :
viewtreeobserver vto = rootview.getviewtreeobserver(); vto.addongloballayoutlistener(new viewtreeobserver.ongloballayoutlistener() { @override public void ongloballayout() { string imgpath = day.getphotopath(); if (imgpath != null) { dayphoto.setimagebitmap(photoutils.decodesampledbitmapfromfile(dayphoto, imgpath)); viewtreeobserver obs = rootview.getviewtreeobserver(); obs.removeglobalonlayoutlistener(this); } } });
android android-fragments imageview
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