MySQL Triggers and Procedure -

MySQL Triggers and Procedure -

i have 3 tables shown below:

i have written mysql trigger phone call procedure alter delivery channel of mod whenever delivery channel of pac changes. there many many relationship between 2 have pac_mods table.


delimiter $$ create trigger pac_delivery_channel_change_trigger after update on pacs each row begin if new.delivery_channel <> old.delivery_channel phone call updatemods(, new.delivery_channel); end if; end; $$

and procedure:

delimiter $$ create procedure updatemods(in pacid int, in newdeliverychannelid int) begin update mods md inner bring together pac_mods pmds on pmds.mod_id = set md.delivery_channel = newdeliverychannelid pmds.pac_id = pacid; end; $$

there no errors when run statements in mysql not work.

what doing wrong?


actually works, made stupid error , realized after had posted question.

the error using wrong fields in if statement in actual code ran in mysql.

i hope can help day.


mysql stored-procedures sql-update triggers


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